Water purification information

Why does the reverse osmosis membranes need to be cleaned or replaced frequently?

Views : 14876
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-07-08 12:03:43

Hello everyone, today Susan is here to answer some questions about water purifier equipment. I hope it can be helpful to you.

In the little moments of life, we often overlook those subtle but crucial existences.
Just like the water purifier at home - especially the thin layer of reverse osmosis membrane (RO membrane).

In the little things of life, we often overlook the existence of small but vital things. Just like the water purifier at home - especially the thin reverse osmosis membrane (RO membrane). It silently shoulders the responsibility of filtering harmful impurities from the water, ensuring that every drop of water flowing into our cup is clear and pure.

However, just as heroes sometimes need to rest, these unsung heroes also need our care and maintenance: regular cleaning or replacement.

First of all, we need to understand that the working principle of the reverse osmosis membrane is that its tiny pores can block almost all salts, minerals and most organic pollutants.

When water flows through this membrane, only the purest water can pass through, while other substances are left in place.
But this process is not once and for all, but a constant "battle", which gradually makes it tired and polluted.

Over time, the trapped impurities will accumulate on the surface of the membrane to form a layer of dirt, which is like a city's garbage disposal site gradually overloaded and eventually unable to accommodate more waste. In this way, the originally fine channels will be blocked, resulting in a decrease in water flow or even a complete stop; even worse, the retained pollutants may reverse osmosis and re-mix into the purified water source. So how to avoid this disaster?

The answer is simple: regular cleaning and timely replacement.
Regular cleaning can help remove sediment and maintain the permeability of the membrane;
If you wait until the scale has affected the water quality before taking action, it may be too late, and you need to replace a new reverse osmosis membrane to restore the system's performance.

Moreover, such maintenance is not only related to equipment performance, but also directly related to the safety of drinking water. Healthy drinking habits are part of our pursuit of a better life, so we should treat this investment as carefully and meticulously as we take care of the garden.

I hope this article can help you. If you have other questions about water treatment, please leave a message in the comment area; if you want to learn more about water purifiers, or want to buy various related home, commercial, and industrial water purifier equipment, you can contact me through the business card contact information below, and I will reply as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading and wish you a happy life!
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